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发布时间:2024-06-07 10:50:05来源:网络转载

马云峰 字健源 男 1970年出生于山东威海,中医世家五代传承。    年少时受外祖父的影响,对中医中药有着浓厚的兴趣。十几岁就开始跟随姨祖母学习经络脉诊。师承针灸泰斗赵普羽恩师和国医大师李佃贵恩师,使得学医道路更进一步,此后专研心脑血管病和痛风等疑难杂症。后又拜在白丽教授门下,成为其得意弟子(白丽教授,中医世家,祖上为御医,全名 乌日娜 白丽,早年毕业于内蒙古中医药大学,中国唯一临床钙专家,年轻时即在北京协和医院任主任医师,著名之作《钙与生命》等)。 易医为一家,后又经易医大家王恒龙师父,中医泰斗苗峰师父和海灯法师护法弟子李兴友恩师悉心点播,受益匪浅。中医路上学无止境。为了收集更多病历积累更多临床经验在全国各地巡回义诊。经几位师父潜心指点教导,结合中医思想理念,通过中药调理,配合针灸经络疏导以达到治疗的目的。 学习结合实践先后取得了中医内科医师资格,中国道医医师资格,特效针灸师资格,国家注册高级中医康复理疗师等资格,中国抗癌协会会员,被评为中国中医健康养生专家(证书号SDJ37104919)。 多年的临床达到了理想的治疗效果,代表性的有:脑血栓,糖尿病烂脚,子宫肌瘤囊肿,乳房结节,痛风,类风湿以及癌症肿瘤患者化疗中药辅助康复治疗等。现任上古堂中医医学研究院 院长。

中国民间中医医药研究开发协会 浊毒理论分会 副会长


中国健康养生资格培训认证中心 导师。

北京大学健康养生与应用课题组 特聘教授。

蒙古国商业学院 中医客座教授。


国家健康养生网 专家顾问。

北京御龙古今艺术剧院 中医健康顾问。

地球唯一村庄全国大型环保公益活动组委会 中医健康顾问兼活动项目副秘书长。

Ma Yunfeng, born in Weihai, Shandong Province in 1970, has been a traditional Chinese medicine family for five generations. When I was young, influenced by my grandfather, I had a strong interest in Chinese medicine. When I was a teenager, I began to learn meridian pulse diagnosis from my aunt. Under the guidance of Zhao Puyu, a master of acupuncture and moxibustion, and Li Diangui, a master of Chinese medicine, he made his medical study further, and then specialized in cardio-cerebrovascular disease and gout and other difficult diseases. Later, he worshipped under Professor Bai Li and became his proud disciple (Professor Bai Li, traditional Chinese medicine family, ancestral doctor, full name Wuri Na Bai Li, graduated from Inner Mongolia University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the only clinical calcium expert in China, when he was young, he served as chief physician in Peking Union Medical College Hospital, famous "Calcium and Life", etc.). Yi medicine is a family, and after Yi medicine master Wang Henglong, Master Miao Feng, Master of traditional Chinese medicine, and Master Li Xingyou, Master Haideng's Fa disciple, carefully ordered and benefited a lot. There is no end to learning Chinese medicine. In order to collect more medical records and accumulate more clinical experience, he toured free clinics all over the country. After several masters devoted to guidance and teaching, combined with the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine, through traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, with acupuncture channels and collaterals to achieve the purpose of treatment. He has obtained the qualification of TCM internal medicine physician, Chinese Dao Doctor qualification, special effect acupuncturist qualification, national registered senior TCM rehabilitation physiotherapist qualification, member of China Anti-Cancer Association, and was named the Chinese TCM health and wellness expert (Certificate No. SDJ37104919). After many years of clinical practice, the ideal therapeutic effect has been achieved, and the representative ones are: cerebral thrombosis, diabetic foot rot, uterine myoma cyst, breast nodules, gout, rheumatoid and cancer tumor patients with chemotherapy-assisted rehabilitation treatment with Chinese medicine. He is now the president of Shanggu Tang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Vice president of Turbid-poison Theory branch of Chinese Folk Medicine Research and Development Association

National senior TCM rehabilitation physiotherapist.

China health training and Certification center instructor.

Distinguished professor of the research group of Health Preservation and Application, Peking University.

Visiting Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mongolian Business College.

Chinese contemporary famous medical column specially hired experts, traditional Chinese medicine inheritors.

National health network expert consultant.

Beijing Yulong Ancient and modern Art Theater Traditional Chinese Medicine health consultant.

The Only village on Earth, the Organizing committee of the national large-scale environmental protection public welfare activities, Traditional Chinese Medicine health consultant and deputy secretary General of the event project.







Be good at

Specializes in cardio-cerebral vascular disease and gout and tumor and other difficult miscellaneous diseases

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the whole country has rallied to fight the epidemic. In the course of the battle against the epidemic, traditional Chinese medicine has played a vital role in keeping people healthy by giving full play to its advantages. The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in treating COVID-19 has been recognized by a WHO expert meeting. A few days ago, the WHO website released the Report of the WHO Expert Evaluation Meeting on Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of COVID-19, which clearly affirmed the safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of COVID-19, and encouraged WHO member states to consider the Chinese model of integrated medicine.

At present, in the battle against the novel coronavirus epidemic, the ancient traditional Chinese medicine is full of new vitality and has become a sharp tool in the fight against the epidemic. On the basis of TCM analysis of the etiology and pathogenesis, specific and real clinical cure data highlight the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in the epidemic, show the significant efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and greatly enhance people's confidence in overcoming the epidemic while "correcting the name" of traditional Chinese medicine. In order to present the role of traditional Chinese medicine in epidemic prevention and control and clinical treatment, enhance people's awareness of traditional Chinese medicine, and display the cultural treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine media and 10 domestic and foreign media jointly launched a special section to fight the epidemic, "Fighting the Epidemic · Traditional Chinese Medicine People in action", and look for "hard nuclear weapons" in the traditional Chinese medicine industry.


"The Book of Rites" cloud: "the doctor is not the third, not its medicine." The ancient Chinese medicine emphasizes the accumulation and inheritance of experience, so the Chinese medicine family has always been a kind of family existence that makes the people feel friendly and respected by the people. No matter how The Times change, some traditional Chinese medicine families are still persistent in this city to inherit and carry forward the Qhuang technique left by their ancestors. There is something unique and unique about this medical heritage carried by bloodline reproduction. In Ma Yunfeng, there is such an irreplaceable heritage of traditional Chinese medicine.


On March 14, 2021, with the theme of "Paying tribute to the power of TCM and highlighting China's example," the TCM Bright Sword Summit Forum officially kicked off in Beijing. The forum was sponsored by the "Chinese Contemporary Famous Doctors" column and co-organized by the Global TCM Think Tank Alliance. Ma Yunfeng, president of Shanggutang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who has made positive contributions to the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine and the improvement of traditional Chinese medicine to economic and social development, was invited to attend this summit forum and won the honor of outstanding person of Traditional Chinese Medicine.



"Angong Niuhuang Pill" developed by Dr. Ma Yunfeng

Dr. Ma Yunfeng, due to the benevolence of doctors, the integration of knowledge and practice, the application of knowledge and knowledge, the practice of ancient law, free diagnosis and treatment of patients with difficult diseases and precious lives in many cities across the country, the treatment of many national heavyweights, and won many national honors, is actually an infinite amount of merit, becoming the fifth generation of traditional Chinese medicine inherits of a large country artisan Chinese medicine family, and was awarded the highest honor in the national medical field.
